FPI Investments
Foreign Investment Limit Monitoring
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FPI Investments
Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPI)
Current Month
Archive (FPI Inestments)
Details of Allocation of Debt Limits to FPIs
Government debt limit
Government debt long term
Corporate debt limit
Corporate debt long term infra
FPI Investment Details(Calendar Year)
FPI Investment Details(Financial Year)
Quarterly FPI Net Investment Details (Calendar Year)
Fortnightly Sector-wise FPI Investment Data
Debt Utilisation Status
Asset Under Custody(AUC) data
FPI AUC Country-wise (top 10 countries) data
FPI AUC category wise data
Category wise AUC data for all clients of Custodians
Monitoring of Utilization of 3% Breach Limit
Corporate Group Repository
Apex/Parent Company Information
Utilization of 3% Breach Limit
Bidding Details
Trade-Wise Equity data of FPI
Trade-Wise Debt data of FPI
Value of Offshore Derivative Instrument(ODIs)/Participatory Notes(PNs)
List of FPIs